What Is Drywall?

Throughout the world, homes are built from many different materials. Some of these include real wood (knotty pine), manufactured (fake) wood paneling and drywall. Drywall is a staple in building construction due to its affordability, versatility and safety features. It’s also insulating and fire-resistant, making it an ideal interior wall material.

Before the advent of residential drywall Collingwood, builders used lath strips to build walls and apply plaster. Plastering was a time-consuming process that could be expensive and difficult to repair. When drywall was invented, it greatly sped up building and allowed for a much cleaner, more appealing finished product. It has become the main building material for most modern homes.

Drywall is usually made of gypsum. It is created by heating this white sandy mineral with water in a factory, creating a slurry that is then applied to a paper or fiberglass backing. It’s then formed into sheets, typically 4′ x 8′ for residential use, but can be cut to smaller sizes for easier handling.

A variety of additives can be added to drywall to make it more suitable for specific uses. For example, moisture-resistant drywall is coated with wax to repel moisture, while fire-resistant drywall reduces the spread of flame and smoke in the event of a fire. There’s even a specialized type of drywall called VOC-absorbing, which captures chemicals and volatile organic compounds in the air such as cleaning products, gasoline and paints.

Once the drywall is cut to size, it is attached to the wall studs or ceiling joists with nails and screws. The installer will then cover the seams and fastener points with a layer of joint tape or fiber mesh tape. The surface can then be sanded and primed or painted as desired.

One of the biggest advantages of drywall is that it is relatively easy to install. It is a much faster process than plastering, and it’s more durable as well. In addition, it’s more insulated than plaster and provides an attractive, smooth finish.

Whether you’re renovating your home or simply finishing an unfinished room, learning how to hang drywall is a simple process. There are plenty of online resources and e-learning classes that can teach you the basics of drywall installation and help you to practice your new skills. Some of these online classes are professionally produced with videos taught by practicing craftspeople and come with supplementary downloads such as blueprints and worksheets to help you prepare for your project. You may also find that local community college or vocational school offers a class in drywall and other construction skills. They are often much cheaper and easier to attend than a private class.

Grey County Drywall



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