Look For These Signs to Go for Your Commercial Roofing Repair

Any commercial roofing generally has got a much longer lifespan and also greater durability as compared to residential roofing, but don’t assume that it is totally immune to any damage. To maintain most commercial roofing also needs regular repair, and in a few cases, it may also be necessary to replace the complete roof.

Ikon Roofing is one of the Pasadena roofers, whom you can contact in case you need to repair your commercial roof. Here are a few common signs that will tell you that now you need to repair your commercial roofs.

1. Flat roof flashing found damaged

If the roof flashing is found to be not well-sealed, then there is a chance that water may seep into the roof system, and as a result, you may have to go for an expensive replacement.

2. Commercial roof surface got cracked or blistered

Any cracks, blisters, or bubbles will indicate that there is rapped moisture and may end up with leakage. These are red flags and can worsen over time, hence you must not ignore this sign to prevent more serious problems.

3. Standing water on your commercial roof

Generally, after any heavy rainfall, there can be standing water on the flat commercial roof. If that water does not drain out or evaporate within a couple of days then it can be a reason for major concern.

4. Inside your commercial building interior water stains

Often you can also detect problems with the commercial roofing from inside the building too. If you see any water stains on the walls or ceiling of your upper floor, then you must investigate for any possibility damage.

5. Inside the commercial building musty odors or mold

The presence of mold or musty odor can be another red flag, which could result from certain water breaching into your commercial roofing or perhaps from the exterior of the building.

6. Unstable material

Due to excessive exposure to high winds or rains, often your roofing materials may get loosened as a result you may find loose sheets, gutters, and shingles. The life of your roof may get shortened and hence must go for repair work.

7. Roof sagging

There should not be any sagging noticed on your roofs which may get developed because of too much moisture present on your roof. If your contractor has installed new roofs directly over your old top can also cause sagging. You need to get it repaired.

8. Age of roof

Your roof will deteriorate as time passes due to various stresses and strain of the weather. If your roof is too old then it may require repair more often than before.

9. Rising energy costs

Often commercial property owners may not be aware that certain roofing problems can also be the reason for energy spikes. Roofs can play a significant role in regulating room temperature.

You need to act before your minor roofing issues turn into a major problem. The above signs will surely indicate that there exist certain roof problems. So, you must avoid postponing your repair activities.

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